ClearIP offers an API that can be used to manage all policies that can accessed through the user interface and pull call analytics and usage data.

Response Codes

Status CodeReason
200 OKThe request was successful
201 CreatedThe request was successful. A new record was created.
400 Bad RequestThe request was invalid due to a missing required field, invalid value format, etc.
403 ForbiddenThe request is missing a valid access token.
409 ConflictThe request failed due to an existing duplicate record that conflicts with the request.

Reference records by ID

The ClearIP API references each record by its unique ID defined within ClearIP. You can view the ID for the object within the user interface or using the API.

To view the IDs in the user interface, you can go to the relevant page in ClearIP that shows the list of records, select Columns, and click ID. It shows the ID values to use when referencing each record using the API.

Here is an example of how to view the IDs for Operators. Operator ID